
Sunday, April 21, 2013

An Update on Billy Ray

This update refers to a previous "Reflections" post I made on my Weebly page on 10/11/12 under the title "Dealing With A Struggling Student." A few things have happened since this last post. He was suspended for threatening another student (the week after the tragic Connecticut school shooting). Not saying there is any good time to threaten another student, but his choice to do this when all schools were on a more heightened alert was not good. I spoke at his expulsion hearing as an advocate and the decision was made to reduce the action to a suspension. Since his return, he has genuinely made overtures to make the student she threatened feel comfortable and they have had a more amicable relationship since.

Another change is that I am no longer at that school. My last days there I tried my best to push her in the right direction. When she came back from her suspension her attitude toward school changed for the better, but after a couple weeks she reverted to her unproductive ways. I did all I could. I was firm, understanding and more real with her than any other student in my teaching experience so far.

After a few days of playing phone tag with her mom I finally received an update last week. According to her, Billy Ray is doing much better in class. Since the new semester started he has been on top of it and both my former master teacher and vice-principal have been giving Bill Ray positive feedback to his mom. It is funny how the little updates by keeping in touch with parents can make your week better.

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